< script >We speak tech / We speak law / We can translate for you< / script >

IT Law frequently asked questions?

Looking for an IT Lawyer with over 2 decades of software development experience?

Today almost every business is a technology business. Even if you are not on the cutting edge of innovation you are probably entering into business relationships with people who are. If you are not you should be. Technology and innovation drives productivity. Helping businesses thrive and reducing transaction costs is at the very heart of any real IT Lawyer.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffaIf you hire a freelancer to write code, draft copy, do graphic design or produce anything else covered by copyright, and you want to own that copyright, then the answer is yes. Section 35 of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) dictates the author is typically the owner of the works. However, there are exceptions. If you want to own the works of your freelancer, the copyright must be assigned to you. Section 196 of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) requires that to be done in writing and signed by or on behalf of the owner.


Read more about Service Agreements.

From our experience servicing a significant number of tech startups, and other small to medium enterprises, the two standout problems are:

       1. Absent or poorly drafted written contracts. When companies don’t ensure they reduce the terms and conditions / obligations of the parties to writing, the probability of disputes increases. Though having a contract alone is not sufficient, it should be a well drafted and comprehensive document. Good fences make good neighbours.

      2. Poor corporate governance and incomplete registers. Not only are you required to comply with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) in order to avoid penalties, but when it comes to selling the business if you have not maintained proper registers you may not satisfy the purchasers due diligence. Which likely means no sale or a reduced price.

       Read more about Tech Startups

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We know tech.

Are you looking for an IT Lawyer that knows tech? Today almost every business is a technology business. Even if you are not on the cutting edge of innovation you are probably entering into business relationships with people who are. If you are not you should be. Helping businesses thrive and reducing transaction costs is at the very heart of any real IT Lawyer.

We know business.

Need a software development lawyer, with IT, business and accounting qualifications? One who spent over a decade running their own management consulting firm? The sort of commercial lawyer that can translate IT to business, business to law and law back to IT? Contact us today and speak to a multi-disciplinary commercial lawyer.

IT Lawyers are proud to be based in the innovative heart of Brisbane.

Don't worry, it won't cost you a cent to chat to us.

looking for a real IT Lawyer that knows technology?

Contact us today to talk about your next tech venture.

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IT Lawyers Brisbane